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Created in Japan during the Edo period, 投扇興 (Tōsenkyō) is a traditional target practice game, where you have to throw a folding fan to a target placed on a stand and knock it down.

Samurai-dori has simpler rules than Tōsenkyō. We have arranged the gameplay to make it easier for anyone to play. The cubes and targets represent animals, and folding fans are hunting birds. You will compete to see who can hunt the most animals. You can play eight different scenarios depending on how you arrange the three cubes. Even though it is a simple game, it has a deep feel to it, which even children and older people can enjoy.

Take on the role of the Samurai-dori, as you strive to prove your strength by bringing down the beasts depicted on the Quarry Blocks. To do so, you must master the art of the hunt, throwing folding fans to knock down the targets placed in each stage. There are eight stages in total, and the player who successfully clears the most stages is named the winner.


How to Play


Score Sheet (for Download)


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